The fool-proof technique to buy $ETH and $LUNA at a steep discount for investors that wish they had bought the dip!

Maaiz Khan
2 min readJan 15, 2022

Buying when prices are low can be tricky if you’re not a full time trader. This guide will show you how to buy every dip in LUNA and ETH at a discount using Kujira, and why you should.

Using Kujira, you will be able to take advantage of the overleveraged degens that get liquidated every month with run of the mill volatility in the crypto markets.

Kujira is underutilized due to uncertainty around liquidations — making room for alpha.

The Crypto market continues to see major volatility. Just in the last 60 days Kujira users were able to get bETH at a 5% discount 19 times, all while yielding 15% on the UST they added to the protocol!

Who needs day trading when you’ve got Kujira?

Let’s break down how this strategy and protocol work step by step:

Step 1: Buy UST from an exchange and move to your terra station wallet.

This only works on Terra, thus you need to provide UST in order to participate. This can be bought at most exchanges like: Gate IO, Kucoin, or Binance.

Step 2: Go to Kujira and deposit your UST and choose your desired asset and discount

Asset: On Kujira you can bid for either bETH or bLUNA (both are bonded versions of ETH and LUNA that can be deposited at Anchor protocol for yield or converted back to LUNA/ETH)

Discount: Choose between a 1 and 30% discount. the larger the discount you choose the longer it will take to get your order filled. In the last 2 months LUNA liquidations looked like this:

2% discount — 101 fills

4% discount — 42 fills

6% discount — 8 fills

10% discount — 3 fills

Step 3: Sit back and let the ETH and LUNA stack!

That’s it! If you think there’s definitely a big dip coming — put your money where your mouth is and stake your money at the 10%+ discount pool and profit!

Bonus: You get a solid 15% yield on your UST while you wait to stack more ETH and LUNA.

Be greedy when others are fearful. ~Warren Buffet

Investing well requires overcoming your emotions

One of the hardest parts of investing in crypto markets is keeping your emotions out of the investing. As prices come down it is easy to second guess your thesis or wait for a deeper discount. The Kujira strategy forces you to choose your desired entry point and margin of safety (discount) ahead of time, thus cutting out the emotions.

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Maaiz Khan

Entrepreneur and Investor. Focusing on Microcap Value Investing DeFi, and Web 3 deployment.